Reentry Court-How It Works:
Discharge Planning: Justice Center Staff begins conducting in-reach with clients
in the facility in which they are incarcerated up to 3 months prior to their
release. During this time, staff orient clients into the program, assess their
needs, assist them in the creation of a reentry plan, ensure proper discharge
planning, and outreach family members when appropriate.
Hearings & Reporting : After
release, Reentry Court participants appear regularly at the Justice Center to
report on their progress with treatment and parole conditions (such as finding
employment or enrolling in school) to their Parole Officer and the Reentry
Court Judge. To promote compliance
and reinforce good behavior, the Justice Center uses a system of graduated
negative and positive responses. For instance, a Parole Officer may tighten the
curfew of an individual who has failed to be present at the home during a
curfew check. Conversely, a client
who has accomplished a goal, such as getting his first interview or regularly
attending drug treatment may be celebrated publically in court and given a
Case Management & Counseling: Case Managers and Social Work Staff meet with clients regularly
to support them through the integration process, provide access to services,
ensure quality of services being provided by community partners, target
criminogenic needs, work with family members, and help the client manage his
relationship with his parole officer. Reentry Clinical Staff are trained to use
Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches.
Coordinated Services: The Justice Center
emphasizes early identification of parolees' needs and speedy links to programs
that deal with concerns that may affect successful community reintegration. To
improve service delivery, Justice Center staff, parole officers and service providers
convene regular case conferences. When appropriate, parole officers and reentry
court staff will meet with the family members of parolees to encourage their
assistance and support.
The Justice Center has access to both on-site and community-based vocational
and treatment services.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The Harlem
Community Justice Center offers the evidenced based, 22 session, cognitive
behavioral therapy program, “Thinking for a Change,” for clients who have been
assessed to be at a high risk of reoffending. The “Thinking for a Change”
curriculum helps individuals with social skills and problem solving skills, as
well as cognitive restructuring and self-change.