Toolkit for Second Chance Act Reentry Demonstration Project Grant Applicants
The Council of State Governments Justice Center has developed a toolkit for state and local governments and Indian tribes interested in responding to the solicitation for state and local reentry demonstration projects released on February 27, 2009, by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice. The toolkit includes materials that can help potential applicants think through the questions asked in the solicitation and design or enhance their reentry initiative.
Those that are currently available are:
A checklist that will help state and local governments and Indian tribes meet application requirements under Section 101 of the Second Chance Act. NOTE: The checklist is intended solely to assist applicants for state and local reentry demonstration project grants. A fact sheet on the grants for nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes for mentoring and other transitional services is available here.
A resource guide listing publications, reports, and tools that may be helpful in developing a successful reentry initiative.
The toolkit materials, as well as other reentry resources and information on the Second Chance Act, are available on the Reentry Policy Council website.