National Parole Resource Center(NPRC) Announces and Invites Applications from Paroling Authorities and their Supervision Agency Partners To Participate as NPRC "Learning Sites"
This solicitation invites U.S. state paroling/releasing authorities to apply to become one of four states participating in the first major technical assistance effort of the newly-established, Bureau of Justice Assistance-sponsored National Parole Resource Center (NPRC). All four sites will receive technical assistance and training geared toward enhancing their capacity for effective decision-making policy and practice. The NPRC Learning Sites initiatives is designed to support participating sites as they strengthen their decisionmaking and supervision practices, and to generate lessons and insights that will be shared widely with other jurisdictions through the NPRC web site and continuing training and technical assistance. Available resources will allow the NPRC to provide two of the four states with expanded training and technical assistance to address the state’s parole supervision function and to move toward implementation of 13 Strategies for Effective Parole Supervision.
The application deadline for this initiative is Monday, June 21, 2010.
Assistance is scheduled to begin in August, 2010.
Download the full solicitation as a PDF
May 7, 2010
Become a "Learning Site" for the National Parole Resource Center
12:49 PM